Workshop Start Drawing!

Workshop Start Drawing!
, 3 sessions
starts on Tuesday, 3 Oct, 10:30 - 12:30
(session data: 3, 10 and 17 Oct)
In this workshop you will learn the basics of drawing. It covers several subjects, styles, and techniques. A professional illustrator guides you based on your own level and interests.
This is a workshop for people who just want to try drawing, or have always wanted to draw, but never started. Step by step you learn the basic skills for drawing, which differ per subject and technique. In this workshop you will discover your preferences and style.
This workshop includes cappuccino, coffee & tea and use of materials.
doors open: 5 to 10 minutes in advance.
3 sessions
This workshop has 3 sessions, on the following dates:
- Tuesday, 3 oct 2023 from 10:30 - 12:30
- Tuesday, 10 oct 2023 from 10:30 - 12:30
- Tuesday, 17 oct 2023 from 10:30 - 12:30
Doors open: 10 minutes before.
This workshop is in English.
Together with your friends, family or colleagues?
Would you like this to be organized as a private event for your friends, family or colleagues? Mail or call us for the possibilities!
Register for this
of 3 sessions, starting on:
03-10-2023, 10:30 - 12:30
Inschrijven is helaas momenteel niet meer mogelijk. Deze workshop isDit event is vol geboekt. vol geboekt. tijdelijk on hold. Kom later terug of neem contact met ons op voor meer info. helaas geannuleerd. verplaatst.
*) mandatory
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