Workshop Hands on clay: Shaping creativity

Workshop Hands on clay: Shaping creativity
workshop, 2 sessies
start op zaterdag, 10 mei 2025 14:30 - 16:30
(sessiedata: 10 en 17 mei)
In this workshop “Hands On Clay: Shaping Creativity” we’ll be using the beautiful medium of clay to explore, build and reflect on a creative journey.
Clay is a great means to get more creative, because you can feel and change shapes directly with your hands. Clay is also flexible and ‘forgiving’: many shapes can be made and if something does not turn out as you intended, you can easily try it in a different way.
During these two weekly sessions, you will learn to discover your own journey and way of creating. You’ll learn basic clay techniques to create shapes, how to create colours on clay with acrylic paint and how you can use objects in your creation.
You can choose what you are going to make, for example a flower vase, a holder for a candle or a pen, etc. Between the two sessions your clay creation will harden and at the end of the second session be ready to take home.
Important to note: this is not a traditional clay workshop where clay is baked in an oven. Although you learn clay hand building techniques and using tools, this workshop is about shaping creativity: how do you explore what is possible and how do you make choices? How can you improvise and explore making choices that are different than you normally make?
For whom?
- Everyone who wants to explore their creativity is welcome.
- No previous experience with clay or art is required.
- Cappuccino, coffee & tea
- Use of clay and tools
4 to 8 participants
This workshop will take place if there are at least 4 participants. There is a maximum of 8 participants.
Doors open: 10 minutes in advance.
2 sessies
Deze workshop bestaat uit sessies op de volgende datums:
- zaterdag, 10 mei 2025 van 14:30 - 16:30
- zaterdag, 17 mei 2025 van 14:30 - 16:30
Doors open: 10 minutes before.
This workshop is in English.
Met familie, vrienden, vriendinnen of collega's?
Dit in besloten vorm met familie, vrienden en vriendinnen of als bedrijfsuitje of teamuitje? Mail of bel ons!
Een workshop cadeau geven
Inschrijven voor
deze workshop
van 2 sessies, startend op:
zaterdag, 10 mei 2025 14:30 - 16:30
*) verplicht
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Hands on clay: Shaping creativity